Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hotel Lobby Sketch

Last Semester we were learning how to draw perspectives and this is a hotel lobby I sketched up. My idea was a fun, unique, modern, city hotel lobby. I was learning how to render cement flooring, and wood coffee tables. I would someday like to re-draw this lobby and see if I have improved on my rendering.

Textile Design

Parts of the text-tile Process Design
My inspiration for this text-tile was a picture I took of a broken down layered wall. From my inspiration I used layers, texture, and organic lines for my text-tile. We did a process of inspiration exploration and abstract sketching, and working in photoshop and designing the pattern. I am pleased with the outcome of my fabric and plan to use it in my semester project. Also a thanks to SpoonFlower for printing out my fabric.

Art Gallery Experience

Entrance to the Emily Carr Exhibit
Inside the Exhibit

The Emily Carr exhibit is in the Greater Victoria Art Museum down town Victoria B.C. Canada. Emily Carr is a painter that uses oils and acrylics. She studied art in France and came to Canada to use the landscapes as her inspiration. The exhibit is a smaller exhibit it is about 40 by 45 feet and approximately  1,800 square feet.  The wall were moveable and it was minimal light on the art. The walls were colored block and it represented her art well but it was slightly distracting because her art also used a lot of color.  The ceilings were wood planks and the floors were cement with a glossy finish. It was a simple layout which was easy to fallow and made it so you wouldn't miss any work. Color blocking the walls was a way for you to fallow it. There was lots of open space between the pieces so multiple people could look at the same piece at the same time. There is also a bench in the center of the exhibit so people can look at the work and take a rest. One thing that I thought was nice for the exhibit was the story of the artist was the first thing you saw once you walked into the exhibit. It was a smaller exhibit that was easy to fallow and represented Emily Carr well.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Impaired Vision Experience

Using an ATM machine and feeling it to find the numbers 

One experiment was to read an article through a plastic bag

We had to wear glasses with rubbing cream on them. This is a photo with the glasses on and the glasses off.  
As a class we have to do a vision impaired test, so we can see what are important things to have in an environmental space for the visually impaired person. The reason for doing this is because our current project is designing a residential space for a person who is visually impaired. On thing that I realized through all the experiments was that there are several different types of impaired vision and that it should be a goal in all designs that it should always be accommodated. I have two uncles that are fully blind and the accommodations for someone that is fully blind and vision impaired are different. When I was walking through the halls with the glasses with rubbing cream on them I was depending on the lights in the room.  Lighting is really important and smooth surfaced floors. It would be difficult to live with impaired vision so as designers it is important for us to accommodate for the vision impaired.