Friday, December 7, 2012

One Bedroom and Common Space Assignment

Our final project for the semester was a one bedroom apartment and common space at the St. Elmo's Hotel. Our final  project had to show two floor plans, eight elevations, four perspectives, a section, and materials. The apartment space given had very few windows and since the building was on the historic registry the exterior could not be changes, so there couldnt be any change to the windows. so to bring in more light into the room i lowered the interior walls to eight feet from ten hoping the light will travel. Also the client wanted use of glass blocks so with the bathroom walls the covered the last two feet with glass blocks. I went with an analogous color scheme of greens and yellows with neautral accent colors. I incorperated my concept statment of memories being layers with modular shelving not only are they usefull for storage but they also add a creative design esthetic. The overall project was a lot of work and inclued countless hours. compared to my other past projects i have seen a huge growth in my design, sketching, and drafting. Since there was so much space to work with in this final project it was difficult to make sure everything worked well with each other. You can never tell if things work until you see them in a perspective or a colored model. Below is images of my colored model. This way you can see how all the colors and materials relate to each other.

over all of the apartment

living room




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