Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Project Feedback

Over this past Thanksgiving Break I had the opportunity to get positive and critical feedback on my current one-bedroom apartment project. I met up with Interior Designer Sarah McGroven from Milieu Design downtown Spokane Washington. McGroven gave me several tips on my floor plan and helped me strengthen my creativity on how to bring in more natural light into a space that doesn't have much flexibility. She also gave me more ideas on how to show off my concept in my design of the one-bedroom apartment. It was an educational experience to learn from her in our meeting but it was also a valuable experience to see the day and the life of an Interior Designer. McGroven took me to her studio and a few of her co-workers studios and I had the opportunity to look at some of her current projects. It was so nice to get advice from a professional Interior Designer. This opportunity also made me realize that there is no right or wrong answer to Design it just on how you see it and creating something that you think will please others. Sarah McGroven helped me so much in my project, I'm excited to see the out come. :)

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