Monday, October 22, 2012

St. Elmos Bathroom Design

For the Past two weeks we have been working on a bathroom design for the St. Elmo's 2 bedroom apartments. For this design I stuck with my concept model of diagonal lines, layers, and natural hues. I also brought in a little inspiration from the paint "The Birth of Venus" with it's sweet natural color hues. I found some parts of this project difficult because it was focusing on ADA design and making it wheel chair accessible. To make it wheel chair accessible there is front and side access to the toleit, five foot turn around, large shower, grab-bars, three foot door entry, and front access to the sink. I found it challenging to find the right tiles but i enjoyed it. I wanted to go for the natural stones and not have it feel so cold. I picked an Italian mosaic tile that captures the light. I also brought in a artistic pendent light that i enjoy that resembles the "Birth of Venus" well I believe. I am pleased with the outcome of my design and ideas.

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