Monday, October 8, 2012

Sketch Crawl With The Urban Sketchers

We went to the Seattle Sculpture Park and had a great time sketching. It was a beautiful day to just get out and draw what was in front of us. I have never gone out with a large group before to just do some sketching and share our work after, for it being my first time I really enjoyed it. One of the things that made this experience even better was that the Urban Sketchers joined us and they are a group of extreme talent, they shared their work with us and one lady gave me some useful pointers. A pointer that I will take from is this that to bring your eye to only one area and just make that part shine that other area of it is just the frame. After looking at her work I feel like that is advice to take. It was a great time and I just simply enjoyed it. :)
With Pastels 
Flare and Color Pencils 

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