Monday, October 8, 2012

Kitchen Design

Over all Presentation of Kitchen Design 
Materials used
Perceptive Sketches
Model of Design
From my concept models I wanted to show layers, diagonal lines, and organic tones. I provided layers by having multiple counter heights. I also provided a lot of shelving units and display cabinets. My corner sink and cabinets were inspired by the diagonal lines in my concept model. Also the color scheme and materials chosen were inspired by the organic tones, I stuck to greens, white, and browns; and sustainable materials. I was pleased with the final project and I feel like it represented my concept model well. Also with the display shelving I designed a opened display unit representing the idea of having multiple view points. On the cabinet fixture I chose a white paneled pattern because the inspiration chosen was a country song and also my rustic light fixtures were also chosen for the same reason. I wanted to related to my inspiration and concept model while design my kitchen and I believe I did the best I could. This project was a lot of work but I was please with the out come.

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