Monday, October 8, 2012

Job Shadowing With Starbucks

This was a great day I had the opportunity to spend the day at the Starbucks Headquarters and learn about their design and concept. We toured the headquarter and had the chance to admire the beautiful building.  We had the opportunity to meet several people and learn about their position and the work that they provide for Starbucks. I learned that Starbucks has three base design concepts, Heritage, French Industrial, and Artisan. A lot the the employees there gave us a lot of pointer for an interior design life style. A lot of the Things that were shown to us where top secret so unfortunately i wouldn't be able to share them with you. But overall experience was wonderful and I hope someday to work for them, I feel like its a different rout for design that is so appealing to me. One main thing I gathered from them was practice practice practice and time management.

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