Friday, December 7, 2012

One Bedroom and Common Space Assignment

Our final project for the semester was a one bedroom apartment and common space at the St. Elmo's Hotel. Our final  project had to show two floor plans, eight elevations, four perspectives, a section, and materials. The apartment space given had very few windows and since the building was on the historic registry the exterior could not be changes, so there couldnt be any change to the windows. so to bring in more light into the room i lowered the interior walls to eight feet from ten hoping the light will travel. Also the client wanted use of glass blocks so with the bathroom walls the covered the last two feet with glass blocks. I went with an analogous color scheme of greens and yellows with neautral accent colors. I incorperated my concept statment of memories being layers with modular shelving not only are they usefull for storage but they also add a creative design esthetic. The overall project was a lot of work and inclued countless hours. compared to my other past projects i have seen a huge growth in my design, sketching, and drafting. Since there was so much space to work with in this final project it was difficult to make sure everything worked well with each other. You can never tell if things work until you see them in a perspective or a colored model. Below is images of my colored model. This way you can see how all the colors and materials relate to each other.

over all of the apartment

living room




Habitat for Humanity

We had the opportunity to work with the habitat for humanity house in Union Town Washington. As a large group we cleaned up, put up dry wall, painted doors and the garage door as well. A few girl and i worked mostly on the dry wall and it was a lot of work but it was something that we were pretty excited about doing. When we were done for the day the garage was done. It was so much fun bonding with all my class mate and of course it always feels great giving back to the community.

Client Brief

This semester we met up with our client Seth owner of the st. Elmo's hotel in Palouse WA. His goal is to renovate the hotel into apartments and spa. His goal was to keep the original building as much as possible and keep the building as eco-friendly as possible. There were several complications with the building but there came to be solutions with every problem through out the project. One material that Seth could not go without was glass blocks. At first I thought it would be complicated to get that into a mondern comtempuary deign but as always we figure out away. In our client brief its is noticable that there were complications and goals that every client has, and as an Interior Designer it is your job to solve it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Project Feedback

Over this past Thanksgiving Break I had the opportunity to get positive and critical feedback on my current one-bedroom apartment project. I met up with Interior Designer Sarah McGroven from Milieu Design downtown Spokane Washington. McGroven gave me several tips on my floor plan and helped me strengthen my creativity on how to bring in more natural light into a space that doesn't have much flexibility. She also gave me more ideas on how to show off my concept in my design of the one-bedroom apartment. It was an educational experience to learn from her in our meeting but it was also a valuable experience to see the day and the life of an Interior Designer. McGroven took me to her studio and a few of her co-workers studios and I had the opportunity to look at some of her current projects. It was so nice to get advice from a professional Interior Designer. This opportunity also made me realize that there is no right or wrong answer to Design it just on how you see it and creating something that you think will please others. Sarah McGroven helped me so much in my project, I'm excited to see the out come. :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

St. Elmos Bathroom Design

For the Past two weeks we have been working on a bathroom design for the St. Elmo's 2 bedroom apartments. For this design I stuck with my concept model of diagonal lines, layers, and natural hues. I also brought in a little inspiration from the paint "The Birth of Venus" with it's sweet natural color hues. I found some parts of this project difficult because it was focusing on ADA design and making it wheel chair accessible. To make it wheel chair accessible there is front and side access to the toleit, five foot turn around, large shower, grab-bars, three foot door entry, and front access to the sink. I found it challenging to find the right tiles but i enjoyed it. I wanted to go for the natural stones and not have it feel so cold. I picked an Italian mosaic tile that captures the light. I also brought in a artistic pendent light that i enjoy that resembles the "Birth of Venus" well I believe. I am pleased with the outcome of my design and ideas.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sketch Crawl With The Urban Sketchers

We went to the Seattle Sculpture Park and had a great time sketching. It was a beautiful day to just get out and draw what was in front of us. I have never gone out with a large group before to just do some sketching and share our work after, for it being my first time I really enjoyed it. One of the things that made this experience even better was that the Urban Sketchers joined us and they are a group of extreme talent, they shared their work with us and one lady gave me some useful pointers. A pointer that I will take from is this that to bring your eye to only one area and just make that part shine that other area of it is just the frame. After looking at her work I feel like that is advice to take. It was a great time and I just simply enjoyed it. :)
With Pastels 
Flare and Color Pencils 

Habitat For Humanity Home of the Future

Habitat for Humanity was having a display in Seattle by the Space Needle of the home of the Future. It was mainly focused on susantable materials and energy saving. Ways they came up for energy saving was the wetbox. They had all their appliances all connected to each other, this includes sinks, dish washer, washer, toilets, and water heater. This way there would be only one water line. It doesn't just save on cost but it make the building process a lot faster. They also did double wall insulation and double windows to keep the heat in the home. Another idea was that they used large windows to the home seem larger and to bring in more natural light. I thought that the home layout was interesting and it was a great opportunity to learn about the habitat for humanity organization.
Quick Sketch of the Home

Job Shadowing With Starbucks

This was a great day I had the opportunity to spend the day at the Starbucks Headquarters and learn about their design and concept. We toured the headquarter and had the chance to admire the beautiful building.  We had the opportunity to meet several people and learn about their position and the work that they provide for Starbucks. I learned that Starbucks has three base design concepts, Heritage, French Industrial, and Artisan. A lot the the employees there gave us a lot of pointer for an interior design life style. A lot of the Things that were shown to us where top secret so unfortunately i wouldn't be able to share them with you. But overall experience was wonderful and I hope someday to work for them, I feel like its a different rout for design that is so appealing to me. One main thing I gathered from them was practice practice practice and time management.

Kitchen Design

Over all Presentation of Kitchen Design 
Materials used
Perceptive Sketches
Model of Design
From my concept models I wanted to show layers, diagonal lines, and organic tones. I provided layers by having multiple counter heights. I also provided a lot of shelving units and display cabinets. My corner sink and cabinets were inspired by the diagonal lines in my concept model. Also the color scheme and materials chosen were inspired by the organic tones, I stuck to greens, white, and browns; and sustainable materials. I was pleased with the final project and I feel like it represented my concept model well. Also with the display shelving I designed a opened display unit representing the idea of having multiple view points. On the cabinet fixture I chose a white paneled pattern because the inspiration chosen was a country song and also my rustic light fixtures were also chosen for the same reason. I wanted to related to my inspiration and concept model while design my kitchen and I believe I did the best I could. This project was a lot of work but I was please with the out come.

Ride Don't Walk

Me at the counter, with starbucks <3
Having the experience of riding in a wheelchair and having to perform daily task was eye opening. Having proper hight is really important and also door openings and sometimes turnarounds were hard to perform. One problem i did have was trying to get to a door when the door was on a slope. Even though the door was automatic opening for wheelchair access it was really hard to get to the door and help was needed. I also learned that people that have to get around in a wheelchair must be really strong.
My view to a counter 

My sketches From the Wheel chair perspective
Me at the sink
My view at the sink

Concept Models from Inspired Song Lyrics

My inspiring song for my concept models was the House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert. from this song were the words memories, to go, and tree. The word memories resembles layers to me they can be the same size and different sizes. The phrase "to go" paints a directional line so lots of vertical lines. The word tree gave me the idea that organic feels had to be involved, so texture, shape and color. For my models that what I focused on layers, diagonal line, and organic feels. After modeling my three concept models I decided that I wanted my final model to feel more open and have a view point from all angels. So my final model represents layers, diagonal lines, and multiple viewpoints.
Concept Models
Final Concept Model

Context Poster- ADA

ADA (American Disabilities Act) is a set of requirements for universal design. Within my group we spilt up parts of ADA, and what it can provide and how to work with it. I took on the part of technology. Through my research I noticed that options out there, for safety, accessibility,materials, and security. I found a home in Pasadena California and this home was modern home that was designed on a ADA foundation. I found it a very versatile home and had a lot of components that make this home helpful for any age. A lot of this home was also wheelchair accessible. During my research I learned that they are still design for ADA everyday.

Friday, July 27, 2012

What I have learned from all my Sketches

This is a free hand lettering assignment on how I feel like I have done on sketching during this summer course. I enjoyed my sketching like I said in my last post and I feel like I have improved a lot but I know there is a lot more I can learn. I found lettering to be a fun process and I like the way it looks even if you do it fast and free hand. I really enjoy all the learning on sketching and lettering this summer course.

Last of my Summer Sketches

This summer has been a world wind of sketches I personally feel like I have learned so much. We went through the idea of how a shade and a shadow and how to draw out the difference. I never have really thought about the difference between the two until now. we also spent a lot of time on different perspective especially one-point and two-point. I found the perspectives at first as a challenge to get and then once I got them I found it wasn't to difficult to understands perspectives to draw out. I feel like I have improved on my sketching and became more quicker at it. I thought it was interesting to draw a perspective on a napkin it took the ink in differently but it looked different and I enjoyed that. I am pleased on how my final sketching and skill improved during my course. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

This is my final presentation of this summers studio course. Everything we did lead up to this. On my first poster it is the introduction to my process of how my seat and shelter came to be. It all started with Dorothy Draper and learning her style. On the upper right can corner is my inspirational object, a blossom from the blossomed branch that inspired my abstractions. Also on the process poster is my object analysis, 2-D partis, 3-D partis, my abstract models,leading to a concept model to the final model. Also most importantly my concept statement on how my bench cam to be and why I did the things I did. My next poster is focused on the view of the seat and shelter. Titled with the word Delicacy because I personally feel like that fits the theme of my seat and shelter pretty well. We also had to take a photo of our bench at 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 4:00PM to show where it cast the shadows. Accompanied with a two point perspective view. On the final poster I show two different elevations, plan, and a section view of the seat and shelter. Also the materials used to develop my seat and shelter. I picked out acrylic based products to give a more light airy feel I felt that something like wood or metal would be to heavy for a delicate feel. I am completely satisfied with my final product and it was worth all the long sleepless nights. Thank you for reading :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Final Models

Final Concept Models
Final Modeled Bench
I was able to come up with my final concept model from my three concept models. What I focused on was curved lines, little vertical influance, visual texture, and an emphansis on controversy. Controversy comes from the idea of my inspired designer "I always put a controversal item in the room, it makes people take" Dorothy Draper.  Then after my concept modeled was complete I was able to piece together a final model. I used a lot of the same influences from the concept model but then i began to realize a new element to my to model. Delicacy, I found my model to give an organic natural vibe that sense to a romantic delicacy. With the controversial curls because they were something constructed out of the ordinary I saw my structure differently. So with a little humor I thought it would be funny to put a couple on the bench. This seat and shelter is my idea of a romantic delicacy, something organic, fresh,  fun, and light.

Abstract Models

Abstract models from Abstract sketches

Abstract Concept Models from Abstract Models

This by far was a challenge for me to make absrtact models. Personally I have a hard time thinking abstratly because I usually just have a set image in my head of a final idea once something is assigned to me. And to think abstractly of something in between thr proccess is difficult. I focused on an image for each abstract model and then try to let it blossem from there. Then once I had my models completed I picked an element I liked from each one and ended up with three concept models. From these three concept models I am able to piece together a final model.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hybrid Drawing

This is my fist ever accomplishment with illustrator. We had to do a one- perspective view of a room and draw it out. It took multiple layers of drawings to get the final product. Then we transfered the drawings to illustrator. With the combination of illustrator and photoshop to get the images perfectly right, this was our final piece. Through out the process I learned that its important to watch your lines and make sure they meet so your background doesn't see through. I also learned that if you are going to do a wall paper design make sure that your images is large enough becasue it is really difficult to piece the images together, luckily my design wasn't to complicated. But enough said I am pleased with my final image. :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Starting of a New Project

We were given an assignment to find something in nature that had some relation to the style of the designer we did a project on before and I choose this flowering branch. The vibernt yellow and green with the accent white fit Drapers stylings right away. Then I took pieces of the branch and recreate them abstractly. I wanted to used curved lines, asymmetrical balance, and a controversail item. These were the three abstractions I came up with.